Ethical business

is #GoodBusiness.

Lean. Green. Well-oiled Machine.


We believe that ethical business is good business. That success, determination and friendliness are not mutually exclusive. We believe that contracts should be honored and that relationships should be cherished and fostered. We believe that respect should be a mutual prerequisite in business, regardless of gender, determination, age, color or race.

GB runs a paperless office and we care for the planet. Our commitment to green industries extends across our client base and sustainability is a word that applies equally to our mindset and our relationships.

Above all, we know that when good business is the goal, success follows.

Client & Non-Profits:

We are proud to work with ethical clients and non-profits and to apply reduced rates where we possibly can. Personally, GB staff offer time voluntarily and as an agency, we always have one chosen non-profit partner that we work for pro-bono. Our current chosen charity is the N.S.P.C.C.

Among the specific and general client areas we serve, are:

  • ChildFund Alliance
  • LGBTQ+ Groups
  • The Novo Foundation
  • The Women’s Building NYC
  • Women’s Movements Globally
  • NSPCC (National Society for the Protection Children from Cruelty)
  • Migration from Central America
  • Mental Health Awareness